Art House New Canaan
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Our Kick-off Event
In the spirit of Solon Borglum’s barn, we launched The Art House project with our October 19th kick-off party. Held in the original 1930’s Post Office Garage Depot, our exhibition regenerated the feel of early twentieth century New Canaan using images, poetics, art, and even the building itself.

This initial event begins what we hope will be as inspirational and successful a journey as the original 1907 art barn commune.

The main room during the reception.
Guests mingling with the artwork.
NCC Art, Architecture & Design Students.
Jacek Bigosinski and Tedrowe Bonner at the reception
A great evening w friends
Laura Cassetti talks with a guest.
The locals show their support
The triptych banners.
Art and architecture
All prettied up at night for the kick off party
Daily Voice Article:                Old New Canaan Postal Depot Becomes Art House

New Canaan News Article:  New Art House launches in old New Canaan Post Office depot building

Links To Articles About October Art House Event